Custom software

If you are looking for C++, C#, Visual Basic programmers who are proficient not only with business layers and user interface but also has  a vast experience in database interaction then you are in the right place. At TKW, We have created numerous desktop software from small to large corporations. Our developers have experience working under local government, non-profit, engineering farms and health clubs. In additions, programmers have developed thin client applications, so several of these desktop applications interact with web services.


C++, C#, VB.NET, Scripting Languages ( asp and php)


MS SQL, My SQL, Oracles


Windows Desktop
Windows Phone
Windows Cloud based application


API Integration

API Integration can be compared with making alteration on your ready-made clothes. Let’s say your company purchased a  third party software for some specific operation. But when using the software you realized that the software was lacking some feature that is needed to run their operation perfectly.  Since you have already invested some money and time into that software, often abandoning that software promptly may not feasible. At this point, you may seek for the option of API integration. API (application programmer interface) is a document, supplied by 3rd party software vendors. It contains all of the technical details programmers might need to integrate software to a custom application. Our programmers have years of  experience of creating  and implementing  API application on multiple platform.

Web-based application

We create various custom web based application which can be incorporated with your website to add its functionality. We have created mortgage calculator, customer registration forms, product catalogue, shopping cart, and so many other things. Still we always welcome new challenges and like to create something new.
Image processing software
Multilevel Marketing software
Phone Application
Facebook application
Estimation software
WPF (Windows presentation foundation)
Windows form application
Windows browser application
Silverlight based application
Highly scalable database design and development (MS SQL, oracle)

Desktop Applicaton

Tech Know World, LLC is champion when comes to desktop application. We have developed numerous desktop applications for various industries. Whether you need a standalone software or a thin-client, our software developers can create cutting edge yet user-friendly software that can expend according to your future need.


At the core of almost every application in your company lies a database. Databases provide the underlying support to your customer service, production operations, internal operations, sales, and marketing. From day-to-day operations to strategic decision making, your databases are the engines that drive your business. Database Services SQL Server technicians have the experience and skill sets you need to ensure that your database environments have high performance, security, and availability.
Whether you're tackling a smaller database for frequent campaigns or wrestling with the ongoing management of a larger, more comprehensive database, you can rely on us.

Our database experts can help you build a robust database design in Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL. We also offer the following services:

  • Monitoring, testing and application of software patches and service packs
  • Implementation and management of database security
  • Migrations and upgrades within and across database platforms
  • Defining, implementing and managing data backup and recovery strategies
  • SQL and application tuning and capacity planning
  • Database instance monitoring and performance tuning


CRM or Customer Relation Management encompasses all aspects of relation you have with your customers. The procedure of CRM is to collect data about your customer and analyze it.  The aim of CRM is to understand your customer and serve him with better product or services. This understanding eventually helps you to retain your existing customer and attract some new customers.
If your business is unique, a cookie-cutter CRM software may not be the best solution for your customer relation management. At TKW we pay attention to understand your business needs, so that our software can help you to understand your customer.
Procedure At TKW we follow Spiral Software Development Life Cycle. Therefore, when one component is finished the component can be deployed where others are still in the factory or being re-engineered. Our Custom Software Development Process usually involves but not limited to:
  • Comprehensive analysis of business needs and market research (if required)
  • A comprehensive project plan with Software specification
  • Storyboards and diagrams
  • Milestones
  • Timeline
  • Budgeting
  • Programming or creating the software
  • Testing
  • Client support ( providing comprehensive user guide and training manuals)
  • Maintenance


  • C++
  • .Net ( VB, C#)
  • Php


To know more about our software development and have price quote for your requirements feel free to contact with no obligation. We will provide you with a project proposal with the timeline, budget and possible components of your software.


At TKW we believe building relationship through business. So if you require ongoing software development or maintenance, we can provide you with dedicated resource and a discounted price.