
TechKnowWorld respects your privacy. Below is an outline of the information that TechKnowWorld gathers, how it’s used. We collect the information necessary to support your IT needs. We use this information to help resolve your IT issues. The addresses, email addresses collected from our clients are not sold, or disclosed to any third parties. These addresses will only be used by our business to send out Tech Support communications (for example, the TechKnowWorld newsletters). You will not receive any mailings you did not request. You can remove yourself at any time. Your email address will not be disclosed to any third party. The email address will only be seen by Certified Professionals. Any data collected will be used by us and our agents. TechKnowWorld hereby reserves the right to transfer any data collected in the event of an acquisition, full or partial, of the company or its assets. When a survey appears on the TechKnowWorld site, information is collected, compiled and analyzed on an aggregated basis. TechKnowWorld may share this aggregated data with advertisers or business partners. This information is kept on a secure dedicated server hosted by Professional Web Hosting Company as well as servers within the TechKnowWorld offices.